
Looking for a Centre where

Your Child
Will Be Safe?


Where Fun Happens!

Your Children

Welcome to Dickinsfield Child Development Centre & OSC

First time providing a Combination Of Montessori and Reggio Methods Of Learning. We provide a child-centred, safe, caring and nurturing environment that encourages, stimulates and fosters a child’s self-esteem, natural curiosity, imagination and growth through both open ended experiences and focused learning.

What we do

We see “child as an independent being who is capable, unique and develops as a whole”. We provide a safe and secure environment for children where they grow and feel confident. We welcome the parents and community members to be a part of our program and share their knowledge with children for their optimal development.

Why Dickinsfield Daycare?

Dickinsfield Center child development centre provides superior quality care and programs for your child’s development, including: Certified educators with ongoing professional training Montessori Learning Time for pre-school Reggio based classroom environment with open ended materials Bright and spacious rooms Large and beautiful outdoor playground


All children are valued, welcome and are active participants in our program. Every child is an individual with unique qualities and deserves to have a sense of belonging. In our centre we welcome children from different cultures, backgrounds and children with exceptionalities. Staff members wear uniform for a more disciplined environment and to be inclusive.

Community Resources

Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada Canadian Pediatric Society Canadian Childcare Federation National Network for Child Care Alberta Human Services


How to Enroll Your Child to a Class?


We are dedicated to the care and education

Our Educational Programs

Our exclusive curricula, combined with our own digital lesson planning tool, enable teachers to create personalized learning experiences, appropriate to every age group.


Energy. Excitement. Motion. These are the qualities that define a toddler and they are used in this program to power positive learning experiences.

Enrollment: 10

Staff Ratio: 1 to 5

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Infants 3-12Months


Energy. Excitement. Motion. These are the qualities that define a toddler and they are used in this program to power positive learning experiences.

Enrollment: 10

Staff Ratio: 1 to 5

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Toddler 1-3Months


Students will receive traditional education in science, engineering, the arts, and math and will be tracked academically and socially through continuous assessments.

Enrollment: 12

Staff Ratio: 1 to 5

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Preschool 3-4Years


This program preps your child with lessons in forming and maintaining a positive attitude towards independent learning, and mastering gross as well as fine motor skills.

Enrollment: 12

Staff Ratio: 1 to 5

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Pre – Kindergarten 1-3Years

Read on to understand our differene

Why Choose Dickinsfield Child Development Centre

  1. Home-like Environment

    Children are comfortable and confident in their home, feeling safe and secure to explore and learn.

  2. Loving Language

    90% success rate of children reading before they go to school for children attending more than 12 months.

  3. 30 Day Moneyback Guarantee

    If you’re not completely satisfied we will refund your money, no questions asked.

  4. Culture of Honour

    We aim to help all people that come into contact with ChildiT to feel Significant, Appreciated and Understood.

  5. Orientation Process

    Makes the process of you and your child settling into care with ChildiT that much smoother.

  6. Quality Educators

    Trusted, highly trained and hand-picked Educators. We believe that educators play a huge role in quality child care.

Children need healthy, wholesome foods

Healthy Food for Growing Children

By eating family-style and serving themselves, children learn about making healthy choices and the connection between food and community.


